Boys Hope Girls Hope Tournament of Hope 2023: A Hole-in-One Fundraising Success
How our marketing helped this nonprofit:
Email Marketing
Social Posts
Board Member Toolkit for Promoting
Coaching the development team to pivot based on content performance results.
Problem: Boys Hope Girls Hope Arizona's Fundraising Struggles
Before working with Marketing Mission, Boys Hope Girls Hope Arizona faced several challenges in maximizing their fundraising potential and maintaining sustained supporter engagement. The organization used a one-size-fits-all communication approach, but their supporters are a diverse group, so sending the same message out to everyone just didn't allow that personal touch to connect on a deeper level. Their social media was active, but they weren't being strategic about using each platform based on who's actually on it. And while their board members care a ton about the cause, we realized they didn't totally have what they needed to spread the word and bring more people into the community. These challenges collectively impacted the tournament's ability to attract the desired number of participants, secure sponsorships, and ultimately maximize fundraising potential for BHGH AZ scholars.
For the 2023 Tournament of Hope, Boys Hope Girls Hope Arizona wanted to take things up a notch. We set some ambitious fundraising and engagement goals - but they were grounded in what we could actually achieve. The main focus was making sure each supporter felt connected to the cause in a genuine way. We aimed high with bringing in donations, through landing new sponsors and nurturing long-term ones. Equally important was prepping our enthusiastic board members with tools to effectively spread awareness in their communities.We wanted supporters to walk away feeling inspired about BHGH’s mission and excited to keep contributing. If we did things right, we knew it could mean lasting impact beyond this one event.
To achieve these goals, we focused our strategy in a few key ways. First, personalized communication. We wanted every supporter getting emails and newsletters to feel spoken to directly through impactful stories. Second, strategic social media promotion. Rather than a blanket approach, we crafted tailored content - videos, photos, real-time updates - across every platform.
Lastly we equipped BHGH’s passionate board members with complete toolkits so they could effectively recruit participants and donors in their communities. And we coached up the fundraising team on adapting to data trends, ensuring our strategy stayed targeted as things evolved.
Combining genuine supporter connections, maximizing our online presence, and empowering key stakeholders drove this campaign forward. More folks felt connected to the cause. And the community support powered the event's energy.
What was done/deliverables:
Email Marketing
Social Posts
Board Member Toolkit for Promoting
Coaching the development team to pivot based on content performance results.
Our Results
Our focused and innovative marketing approaches significantly contributed to the event's resounding success, with golfers and supporters collectively raising an impressive $145,000.
This remarkable achievement not only underscores the effectiveness of our targeted communication, social media strategies, and stakeholder empowerment but also highlights the vibrant energy and commitment that pervaded Troon North throughout the event.